Looking Towards the Future

First initiated in August of 2000, the Voices of Change: Looking Towards the Future project has grown and developed from a small series of luncheons to discuss U.S.-Cuba relations, to a large national forum that now also offers workshops for Cuban Americans. The program offers a nationwide forum for moderate Cuban Americans and others who feel that their progressive views on Cuban issues and Cuban-U.S. relations have largely been neglected within the conservative-dominated Cuban-American community as well as on the broader, policy-making level. Through a series of meetings in numerous North American cities, the program has brought together progressive leaders while building a chapter-based national-level organization. The program encompasses and respects diverse viewpoints in a context of mutual respect and shared objectives.

The Voices of Change program is built on local chapter organizations. Each chapter elects a president to represent it on the Voices of Change National Council (VOC-NC) and works with him or her to propose, organize, and coordinate events for their chapter. Other chapter activities include: expanding membership, disseminating news and announcements to members on matters such as legislative and current affairs updates, and proposing and organizing events, trips, and speakers of interest to the chapter and the greater community. Chapter membership is without charge.

Please feel free to contact Fundación Amistad about Voices of Change chapters in your city and to learn how you can become involved in the program.


© 2003 Fundación Amistad 845 Third Avenue, 19th Floor New York, NY 10022 212-207-4674