Table of Contents

Letter from the President

March 1998
Status of Women and Children in Cuba
May 1998
“Preserving the Architecture of Cuba” Symposium
Duke Summer Study Abroad Program in Cuba
November 1998
Duke University Exchange/Dr. Calixto Machado
Medical System Evaluation and Research Trip
January 1999
AACAP Visit to Cuba
May 1999
Duke University Neurological/Dr. Graffagnino
June 1999
First International Culture and Development Congress

Letter from the President

Fundación Amistad remains dedicated to its core mission of increasing the awareness of the American public on the history, culture and Cuban society through conferences, educational seminars, and exhibits.  Over the course of the past year, Fundación has organized and sent several delegations to Cuba in an effort to carry out its mission.  With future projects already in the works, Fundación’s believes its work is fostering good will and important professional and social relationships between Cuba and the United States.

During 1998-1999 Fundación successfully initiated professional contacts and educational exchanges between Cuba and the United States.  Which included:

March 1998

May 1998

  • Fundación organized a symposium held at the Cooper-Hewitt, National Design Museum, Smithsonian Institution titled, “Preserving the Architecture of Cuba”.  The symposium attracted Cuban, Cuban-American, and American architects who came to openly discuss architectural preservation for the first time.
  • Fundación and Duke University developed and implemented a six-week study-abroad program in Cuba, with courses taught at the cultural institution - Casa de las Americas.

November 1998

  • Fundación facilitated an academic exchange in which Dr. Calixto Machado lectured at Duke University on his work in the field of Neurology and Neurosurgery.
  • Fundación completed an exploratory trip with Dr. Jean Spaulding, of the Duke University Medical School to evaluate the Cuban medical system.

January 1999

  • Fundación and the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry completed a weeklong assessment of Cuban child and adolescent psychiatry and conducted an information exchange between U.S. and Cuban psychiatrists.

May 1999

  • Fundación organized and facilitated an exchange between Dr. Carmelo Graffagnino of Duke University Medical Center, Neurology Department with the Instituto de Neurologia de Cuba.

June 1999

Future projects and initiatives for the upcoming year include:

September 1999

  • New York University’s Child Study Center will travel to Cuba and meet with the Clinica del Adolescente and other Cuban child psychiatry groups to address Attention Deficit Disorder and Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder in children and adolescents.

January 2000

  • Fundación will assist the Clinica del Adolescente in implementing their project titled “Towards a Happy Adolescence in the Year 2000”.  Fundación will also send the clinic supplies to run the program and set up a group to monitor the Clinic’s progress.
  • Fundación is organizing an Institutional and Management Training Program for Casa de las Americas.  Casa del las Americas plays a vital role in the arts and culture of not only in Cuba but throughout Latin America and is in need of management training programs in order to ensure its survival as an institution in the future.

February 2000

  • Fundación is developing a Science and Environmental Education Program for teachers in Cuba based on a similar program that is run by Boys Harbor in New York City.  This program will exchange ideas with Cuban teachers on the ways children can be taught to explore, protect, and appreciate their natural environment.

Spring 2000

  • Fundación is creating an initiative titled “Cuba: Multidisciplinary Approaches to Mental Health and Education”.  This program will put together a delegation of social workers and psychologists to exchange information and methodologies with their Cuban counterparts.

May 2000

  • Duke University will return to Cuba for their second Summer Study Abroad program let by Professor Orin Starn of the Duke University Anthropology Department.

June 2000

  • Fundación will organize a delegation to attend and participate in a discussion panel at an international conference being held in Cuba regarding Child and Mental Health Issues.

As these projects are being planned and implemented, ongoing efforts are underway to seek foundation support.

I would like to thank all the many private citizens, foundations, and companies who have contributed and supported Fundación Amistad with all its work.  It is my hope that as Fundación prepares for the coming year, it will receive continued support of old and new friends so we can carry on our mission to bring understanding between Cuba and the United States.

Luly Duke
President [ top ]

The Status of Women and Children in Cuba
March 8- 15, 1998

In March l998, Fundación Amistad organized a delegation of nine individuals who traveled to Cuba to investigate and observe the services available to a representative sample population of women and children.

The educational and the mental health needs of children and adolescents were particular priorities in the delegation’s observations. The delegation also devoted special attention to the issues of infant and child health care, reproductive and prevention services, vaccination programs for childhood diseases, average daily diet and national nutrition needs for children and pregnant women.

The delegation visited the Hermanas Giral (primary school) and Lenin School for Science and Technology (secondary school) schools, the Clinica del Adolescente in Havana, and various day-care centers.  The delegation also visited several non-governmental organizations, including the Federation of Women, CARITAS CUBA, a Catholic institution that distributes humanitarian aid from Catholic Relief Services in other countries, MEDICC (Medical Educational Cooperation with Cuba, a program of the American Association of World Health), and UNICEF.

The group published a formal report on its findings, which were presented by Luly Duke, President of Fundación Amistad, on May 7, 1998 to the U.S. Congressional Subcommittee on Trade, Committee on Ways and Means. 

This report provided an in-depth description of the delegation’ observations and cited the devastating lack of supplies as well as a weak infrastructure supporting education, day-care, and health care.  These severe conditions have has a tremendous negative impact on Cuba’s academic, social and medical infrastructure.  Although it is illegal to be unemployed in Cuba, guaranteed employment is a thing of the past; once vaunted advances in education and health care have deteriorated.  In schools, shortages of educational materials such as textbooks and computers have exacerbated the already overcrowded classrooms operating in substandard conditions and buildings.  Basic items such as food, clothing, medicine and cleaning materials are indeed scarce.  In the area of medicine, Cuban physicians, although well-trained, lack access to basic medicine, let alone the latest research and techniques in their fields.

The delegation concluded that the continued imposition of the American trade embargo on Cuba would only further contribute to this decline.


Maria de Lourdes Duke (Luly): President of Fundación Amistad, a nonprofit organization designed to increase US awareness of Cuban history, culture and society, and to find ways to improve life in Cuba. Mrs. Duke is also Vice President of The Harbor for Boys and Girls in New York City.

Gail Furman, Ph.D: child psychologist. Chair of the Children’s Task Force of the Women’s Commission for Refugee Women and Children. Clinical Professor of Child Psychology, Child Study Center, NYU Medical School.  Member of several boards focusing on educational/emotional needs of children worldwide.

Ruth Frazier: educational consultant in community organizing. Former President of Futures for Children, a nonprofit in New Mexico doing community work with American Indians.  Mrs. Frazier has established independent community educational organizations in Colombia, Honduras, Costa Rica and Mexico.

Nancy Lublin: founder and President of Dress for Success in New York City which provides clothing and training for women returning to work force.  Author of book on the history of women’s reproductive rights. She is active in women’s issues.

Cristina Rathbone: journalist specializing in youth issues, urban poverty, and education.  Author of On the Outside Looking In: A Year at an Inner City High School.

Eileen Stern: Director of the National Child Care Program for the General Services Administration, oversees all federal day care programs.

Mary Ann Schwalbe: consultant to the International Rescue Committee and Save the Children, US.  Former director and current Board member of Women’s Commission for Refugee Women and Children. Extensive work in secondary and post-secondary education.

Clifford Tepper, MD: pediatrician, Professor of Pediatrics, Albany Medical College.  Chief of Allergy Division, Ellis Hospital, and Co-Founder of Physicians for Social Responsibility.

Lindsay Thompson, MD: pediatrics resident at Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center in New Hampshire.  Extensive work with homeless adolescents in New York City. [ top ]

Preserving the Architecture of Cuba
May 1, 1999

Cuba has a rich architectural heritage dating back to the Spanish colonial era.  This high architectural legacy has been threatened by the passage time and suffered due to insufficient regard to need for preservation and reconstruction.

On May 1, 1998, a collaboration between Fundación Amistad and the Cooper Hewitt, National Design Museum resulted in a one-day symposium on the topic of Cuban architecture titled “Preserving the Architecture of Cuba”.  The day-long symposium was a ground-breaking success in that for the first time, Cuban, Cuban-American and American architects all shared the same podium in New York City to discuss the humanitarian and cultural aspects of Cuban architectural design, preservation, and materials usage.  Barriers between scholars and professionals were broken down and a new bridge was built.  All together, the program attracted a diverse audience of approximately 250 students, scholars, curators, preservation professionals, and members of the general public.

The Symposium consisted of two panels, each panel assigned a moderator who offered additional observations, suggested alternative strategies for research relevant to the topic, and facilitated discussion between the panelists and the audience.

The symposium was made possible through contributions of the Arthur Ross Foundation, the Christopher Reynolds Foundation, Friends of Fundación Amistad, and the James Marston Fitch Charitable Trust.

Opening remarks were made by:

Diane Pilgrim, Director, Cooper-Hewitt, National Design Museum, Smithsonian Institution
Luly Duke
, President, Fundación Amistad
Miquel Bretos
, Counselor to the Secretary for Community Affairs, Smithsonian Institution

Participants and topics

Panel One: Historic and National Perspectives

Moderator:  Gustavo Araoz, Executive Director, United States International Council on Monuments and Sites

Colonial Cuba: A Jewel in the Spanish Crown
José Gelabert-Navia, AIA, Partner, Perkins and Will, Adjunct Professor, School of Architecture, University of Miami

National Goals: Preserving Cuba’s Architectural Heritage
Isabel Rigol
, Director Emeritus, National Center for Conservation, Restoration and Museology.

Architectural Conservation in Cuba: Methodology and Techniques
Rosa Lowinger
, Architectural Conservator, Sculpture Conservation Studio

Panel Two: Case Studies and Contemporary Perspectives

Moderator:  Adolfo V. Nodal, Manager, Department of Cultural Affairs, City of Los Angeles

Models for Community -Based Urban Development and Preservation in Havana
Mario Coyula
, Sub-Director, Group for the Integrated Development of Havana

Bayamo: The City as Monument
Felipe Prestamo
, Professor Emeritus, School of Architecture, University of Miami

Saving the Legacy of 20th Century Cuban Architecture
Eduardo Luis Rodriguez, Architect, Critic, Historian, Editor, Arquitectura Cuba

Arquitectura Desaparacida: Unknown Contemporary Cuban Masterpieces
John Loomis
, Associate Professor, School of Architecture, City College of New York [ top ]

Duke University Study Abroad Summer Program
May 1998

Fundación Amistad assisted Duke University in the development of their first study abroad summer program in Cuba.  In May l998, a group of ten students arrived in Cuba with Professor Hortensia Calvo, and the program was held at Casa de las Americas in Vedado, Havana, Cuba.

This unique six week program focused on intensive study of Cuban cultural and social life as well as research on the role of Cuba as one of the greater forces in the history of the Americas, from the colonial period to the present.  Excursions to historical sites on other parts of the island were included, and students were given the option of enrolling in a non-credit Spanish language course at Casa de las Americas.

One of the objectives of the program was to bridge the communication gap that exists between our respective countries.  The ten students who participated were very pleased to have had the opportunity to learn about a country that has had almost no positive relations with the United States for the last forty years.  One student stated, “ We have had an overwhelming experience; it may well take a few years before we realize the total value of it.”

Through this same exchange program, Duke University invited one of the Cuban professors, Ambrosio Fornet, to teach at Duke during the 1999 Spring Semester in a class co-taught with a Duke professor.  These collaborations can only foster better understanding between our two nations.

Duke University will offer their Study Abroad Program in Cuba again in the summer of 2000. Professor Orin Starn, an anthropologist, will accompany the students.  Based on the success of this program, Fundación Amistad and Duke University will explore the possibility of creating other Semester Abroad Programs.

Duke University Summer Study Abroad Course Offerings

  • Cuba in the Americas: This course explored Cuba’s role in the historical dynamics that shaped the Americas during the colonial and postcolonial periods.  Special attention was paid to the processes of de-colonization, the effects of race and racism in Cuba and the Americas.  These social and historical dynamics were explored in the context of Cuban and Caribbean literature.
  • Cuban History and Culture: This course focused on the various aspects of Cuban culture from its independence from Spain to the present time.  The course was taught by several professors, each concentrating on one of the following topics:
    • Closer Study of Cuban Culture, four seminars about the genesis of the Cuban culture and the way it has developed.
    • Contemporary Cuban Art, four seminars about the development of visual and musical arts.
    • Popular Culture and Religion in Cuba, four seminars about the genesis and development of different religious centers in Cuba, and the differences within the traditional culture.
    • Literature and the Cuban Movie, four seminars about the development of the movie and literature during this period. 
  • Cuban Social Reality: This course focused on the present social processes of Cuba, Cuba and its relations with the United States, ethnic issues, Cuban woman, children, and youth.  The courses were integrated with historical visits throughout the city and other provinces. [ top ]

Duke University Neurology Department and Dr. Calixto Machado
November 1998

Fundación Amistad and Duke University invited Professor Calixto Machado, m.d. a Cuban neurologist to visit and lecture at the Duke University Medical Center in November l998.  Dr. Machado had previously visited other medical centers in the United States and was most interested in visiting Duke University’s Neuro-Intensive Care Unit. 

Dr. Machado’s host at Duke was Dr. Carmelo Graffagnino, the Co-Director of the Neuro-Intensive Care Unit.  It was a very successful visit and the two doctors discovered that their professional interests and their current research projects are very similar.  Dr. Graffagnino expressed interest in establishing a collaborative research effort between the Cuban Institute of Technology and Duke University’s Neurology Department. 

Next Steps

Fundación Amistad is arranging for Dr. Graffagnino and Dai Wai Olson, R.N. a nurse from the Intensive care unit to visit The Instituto de Neurologia y Neurocirugia in Havana. 

Dr. Graffagnino will start a protocol for a joint collaboration research program. (See May 1999) [ top ]

Medical System Evaluation and Research Trip
November 2 - 6, 1998

In November of 1998, Fundación Amistad organized a delegation of professionals to research and evaluate the organization of the medical system in Cuba, with particular focus on family medicine.  The delegation visited and interviewed doctors and other professionals at various teaching hospitals, “polyclinics”, Cuban vocational schools, and universities to research their facilities, specialties, and academic and residency requirements for doctors. 

The delegation met with Dr. Clarivel Presno Labrador, of the Family Doctors Association, in Vedado, Havana.  She gave a lecture to the group giving them an overview of the history of Cuban family medicine since the revolution and the organization of the medical system.

In general, primary care occurs through the family practitioner (or consultant), followed by referrals to the “polyclinic”, and then to a level of tertiary care at the hospitals.  The Cuban medical system consists of three primary hospitals: the Hospital for Gynecology, the Hospital for Maternal and Infant Health, and the Surgical Hospital.  Each hospital is staffed with specialists in the different medical disciplines.  In addition to these hospitals,  the delegation also visited hospitals like the William Soler Hospital Pediatrico, which serves the expressed purpose of primary care and surgical intervention for children.

“Polyclinics”, which currently number 442 in Cuba, have been established to relieve the patient care volume from the hospitals.  A “polyclinic” consists of a pediatrician, a clinician, an obstetrician, a social worker, a statistician, a hygienist, and a dentist.  Each “polyclinic” serves a specific geographical region seeing on average 43,000 patients with approximately 120 families per consulting unit.  The consulting unit consists of a nurse and a doctor who actually reside in the area and provide service to the individuals in their neighborhoods.  The consulting unit assumes primary responsibility for the health of the individuals and interfaces with the “polyclinic”.

The delegation also met with Dr. Elsa Gutierrez, Director of the Clinica del Adolescente who gave the group an overview of her work at the clinic and future programs the clinic would like to develop and implement (See January 1999 AACAP Trip & Future Projects).  The Clinica del Adolescente sees approximately 3000 cases a year with 40,000 outpatient visits per year.

During the four days the delegation stayed in Cuba examining the medical system, the delegation concluded that they would like to develop the following:

  • Exchanges of both Cuban and American physicians with a strong emphasis in regard to women’s health issues.
  • Medical student exchanges
  • Assistance to Cuban medical societies to aid in publishing their respective bulletins and sharing of appropriate information as it relates to the practice of medicine.

This trip was made possible through gifts from Mr. Peter O’Neil and Mr. Ben Holloway.


Mrs. Luly Duke: President, Fundación Amistad

Mr. Ben Holloway: Trustee Emeritus, Duke University; Consultant, Continental Companies

Mr. Peter O’Neil: Boys Harbor

Dr. Jean Spaulding: Vice Chancellor for Health Affairs, Duke University Health System [ top ]

Fundación Amistad & American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (AACAP)
January 17 – 23

In January of 1999, Grupo Nacional de Psiquiatria, the Cuban Ministry of Public Health (MINSAP), and the Cuban Society of Psychiatry and its Child Psychiatry Section hosted a delegation consisting of members of Fundación Amistad and the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (AACAP), and Dr. Gail Furman, Ph.D.

During the delegation stay in Cuba they researched the psychiatric services available to Cuban children and adolescents and Cuba’s experience in treating children and adolescents who suffer from post-traumatic stress.

The delegation visited urban and rural pediatric hospitals, partial-hospitalization programs, and “polyclinics. It also conducted interviews and meetings with officials from government agencies and various Cuban psychiatric groups and societies. The delegation shared information with their Cuban counterparts on the latest methodology for treating psychiatric problems and on ways of integrating psychiatric programs into community programs and schools.

The delegation understood the Cuban philosophy that “mental health and physical health” are not treated as separate problems, but as one condition.  The foundation of the Cuban health care system is community-based primary care with a strong emphasis towards preventative health measures, especially maternal and child health. 

Cuban psychiatrists have limited access to continuing medical education through journals, especially American publications.  Clinical and laboratory equipment is limited and antiquated, and the availability of medicines is in very short supply.

The trip proved to be successful in that a relationship was established between the Cuban Psychiatric Society and the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry.


Luly Duke, President of Fundación Amistad and Executive Vice President of Boys Harbor, Inc.

Dr. Gail Furman, Ph.D., Child psychologist. Chair of the Children’s Task Force of the Women’s Commission for Refugee Women and Children. Clinical Professor of Child Psychology, Child Study Center, NYU Medical School.  Member of several boards focusing on educational/emotional needs of children.

AACAP Delegation

David Pruitt, M.D., President of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (AACAP)

Clarice Kestenbaum, M.D., President Elect of AACAP

Virginia Q. Anthony, Executive Director of AACAP

Theodore Petti, M.D., Treasurer of AACAP

Marilyn Benoit, M.D., Secretary of AACAP

William Arroyo, M.D., Member or the AACAP Council

E. James Anthony, M.D., Chair of AACAP’s Committee on International Relations

Lynn Ponton, M.D., Chair of AACAP’s Committee on Disaster and Trauma Issues

Graeme Hanson, M.D., Chair of AACAP’s Work Group on Schools

Paul Adams, M.D. [ top ]

Duke University Neurological Department and Fundación Amistad exchange with Cuban Institute of Neurology and Neuro-Surgery
May 23 – 27, 1999

In May 1999, Fundación Amistad coordinated and sponsored an exchange with Dr. Carmelo Graffagnino and his nurse Michael Dai Wai Olson of Duke University Medical Center’s Neurology Department, to visit the Instituto de Neurologia y Neurocirugia in Havana.  Dr. Calixto Machado, who had been previously hosted at Duke University by Dr. Graffagnino (See November 1998), who was the host of this group.  The purpose of this visit was to explore the common research interests and projects of the two doctors and their respective institutions.

At the Instituto, Dr. Graffagnino presented Neurological Grand Rounds on two occasions with over 50 attendants, including physicians and residents in training.  The rounds lasted between 2 – 4 hours, which displayed to Dr. Graffagnino an outstanding degree of enthusiasm from the Cuban doctors. Dr. Graffagnino found the physicians of the Instituto were highly knowledgeable and well trained in medicine and neurocritical care. 

During the same period of time, Mr. Olson held a number of in-service lectures for the nursing staff of the Neurological and Neurosurgical Intensive Care Unit.  He reported likewise that the nursing staff of the Instituto was very knowledgeable, highly trained, and committed professionals.

Towards the conclusion of the trip to the Instituto, the group held a number of conferences and meetings with the directorship of the Institute.  Both the director, the attending physicians, and Dr. Graffagnino are of the opinion that this visit was only the first step in a long collaboration between Duke University and the Neurological and Neurosurgical Institute of Havana.  They identified a number of areas for future development. 

The first area pertaining to this shared research will include the initiation of a clinical study of tomographic EEG techniques in the setting of cerebral ischemia and vasospasm.  Dr. Calixto Machado has pioneered this technology, which Dr. Graffagnino believes will show great promise in monitoring and diagnosing cerebral ischemia in his patients with stroke and vasospasm.  As a next step, it is Dr. Graffagnino desire to invite Dr. Machado to come to Duke University Medical Center to establish this technology at Duke and conduct a research collaboration with his institute.

A second area of future collaboration relates to the education and training of Cuban physicians in the field of neuro-critical care.  Dr. Graffagnino and Mr. Olson would like to establish a fellowship training program through for Cuban neurologists and neurosurgeons who wish to acquire advanced neuro-critical care techniques and training in clinical trials methodology.

The third area of collaboration the group wishes to pursue is a continued visitation and exchange of physicians and nurses. 

Dr. Machado has also invited Dr. Graffagnino and Mr. Dai Wai Olson to attend and participate in the Third International Symposium on Coma and Death, which will be hosted by the Neurological and Neurosurgical Institute.  During this symposium, the physicians and nurses would be able to hold simultaneous round table discussion and training programs for neuro-critical care nurses from Cuba, as well as from other countries.

In summary, Dr. Graffagnino and Dr. Machado felt the trip was a major success.  Both doctors are very enthusiastic about the possibilities of continued interaction and the prospect of joint collaboration.  It is Fundación’s hope that these two doctors and their institutions will continue to work together to advance not only the field of medicine, but also the relationship between the United States and Cuba.

This exchange to Cuba was made possible by a grant from Pfizer, Inc. [ top ]

First International Culture and Development Congress
Havana, Cuba
June 7 – 14

In March 1999, Fundación Amistad was invited to attend the First Culture and Development Congress in Havana.  Fundación assembled a delegation of educators, professionals to participate and present workshops and lectures at the Congress. 

The First International Culture and Development Congress was aimed at establishing a space for reflection and making up a collective learning forum enabling an exchange of ideas, experiences, knowledge, and projects.  Professionals and institutions involved in all aspects of cultural processes were invited in order to determine what is common and unique to Cuba and other cultures around the world.  The Congress convened with the hope of facing new challenges and drawing up new strategies to face the new millennium, while reassessing the cultural focus from which development concepts and practices must stem.  The theme of the Congress was “Ethical Development from an Ethical Perspective” and was divided into the following nine topics:

  • Cultural Policies and Development
  • The Role of Artists and Intellectuals in Designing Cultural Development
  • Technology and Its Impact on Culture
  • Culture and Economy
  • Culture, Environment and Sustainable Environment
  • Manners, Conflicts and Approaches to the Future of Trans-culturation
  • The Human Being as the Arbiter of Cultural Development
  • Culture and Tourism
  • Integration and Participation in Community Development

The Congress was sponsored by UNESCO, UNICEF, the Organization of Iberian-American States for Education, Science, and Culture (OEI), the Latin American Economic System (SELA), the National Union of Cuban Writers and Artists (UNEAC), Cuban Institute of Friendship with the Peoples (ICAP) and the Ministries of: Culture, Foreign Relations, Science, Technology, and the Environment; and Education.

Fundación Amistad’s delegation presented the following workshops:

Environmental Studies for Children in the City: Presented by Dr. Robert Wallace and Luly Duke, The Harbor Academy for Environmental Science and the Arts

This lecture shared with the Congress some of the ways in which the Harbor Academy, a school for inner-city children in New York City, works with children in the school and after-school programs to explore and appreciate the natural environment in the city.  This is done from the perspective of scientific investigation and through the integration of the visual and performing arts.

Museum as a Social Catalyst: Presented by Ms. Sharon Sun-Mei Mah, Cooper-Hewitt, National Design Museum, Smithsonian Institution, Education Department

This lecture discussed the collaborations between Cuban and US organizations, Design as a neutral framework, and educating new audiences.  The Cuban architecture and preservation programs developed by Fundación Amistad and the Museum serve as an international platform for discussion among architects, academics, preservationists, and concerned citizens.  The Fundación Amistad and Museum sponsored lectures and conferences address topics from the historical value of various buildings to adapting conservation techniques using materials available in Cuba.

Mestizo Architecture in Southern Texas: Presented by Henry Muñoz, Kell Muñoz Wigodsky Architects

This lecture explored the influence of Spanish, Mexican, and other Latin American and Caribbean styles on architecture in southern Texas that have evolved into its own distinct style of architecture.

As a result of this congress, Fundación Amistad is in the process of developing future projects and collaborations with various cultural entities in Cuba such as UNESCO, Instituto Superior de Artes, Buen Día Theatre, and the Teatro Nacional.  Fundación is discussing the development of  a community based theatre program with the Teatro Nacional de Cuba.

Fundación’s delegation to the First International and Cultural Development Congress was made possible by a grant from the Mary Duke Biddle Foundation and the Arthur Ross Foundation. [ top ]



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