We would like to give you the opportunity to purchase a poster of a 19th Century Lithograph, General Bird's Eye View of Havana for $50.00. The actual size of the poster is approximately 20.5 by 28.5 inches. These make great presents, and your contribution will help Fundación Amistad to fulfill its many programs in and about Cuba.

You can make your check payable to Fundación Amistad and send it to:

Fundación Amistad
845 Third Avenue, 19th Floor
New York, NY 10022

We will send you a receipt with the poster delivery.
With questions, please call 212-207-4674

Thank you for your continued interest in and support of Fundación Amistad!!


© 2003 Fundación Amistad 845 Third Avenue, 19th Floor New York, NY 10022