Educational Exchanges

Status of Media Preservation at Casa de las Americas

In December 2002, Steve Weiss, a Sound and Image Librarian from the University of North Carolina/Chapel Hill, went to Havana to report on the status of media preservation at Casa de las Americas. He concentrated in the area of magnetic tapes to determine future programs that Fundación Amistad should consider undertaking and followed up with an excellent report on his findings and recommendations.

Conservation of Early Louisiana Documents

The week of January 19-25, 2003, Walter Newmen, a Senior Paper Conservator from the Northeast Document Conservation Center, Weiss went to Havana to organize and supervise a joint project to conserve early Louisiana documents in the collections of the Museum of the City and the National Archives. The documents preserved are among the oldest and most historically significant in both institutions and relate directly to an important chapter of Cuban/American history. The documents suffered from extensive losses due to the acidic type of ink used, and some were literally in shred. The project was a huge success and had the enthusiastic support of the directors of both Cuban institutions.

Upcoming Trips to Cuba

World Dance Arts Foundation

Fundación Amistad is organizing an educational exchange for 30 members of the World Dance Arts Foundation to go to Havana. Among the activities scheduled is a dance competition in which Cubans are invited to participate. The major interest in the trip is to learn about the evolution of Cuban dance and music. Dr. Carreras, the head historian at the University of Havana and extremely knowledgeable about Cuban culture, will accompany the group and give lectures a variety of lectures to the group.

Blair Academy

Blair Academy is an old private secondary co-educational boarding school in northwest New Jersey. Fundación Amistad is planning a trip for 10-15 Blair Academy instructors to go to Cuba in early June to learn about Cuban history. Their goal is to incorporate what they learn into their classrooms.


Recent workshops

Archival and Management Collections Workshop

Lauren Lassleben and William Roberts, archivists from the University of California at Berkeley, are currently teaching an Archival and Management Collections Workshop for 30 participants from the Office of the Historian and Casa de las Americas. The workshops were held on March 31 through April 4th 2003.


© 2003 Fundación Amistad 845 Third Avenue, 19th Floor New York, NY 10022 212-207-4674